I stumbled upon, while looking at my files from this past semester, this entry dated Novemer 19, 2009. I concluded it today (December 14, 2009) in the way I would have back then:
My little chronicle, so long it has been since I've visited you! Not surprisingly you are just the way I left you, though I have changed a great deal since our Spring love affair.
I don't have time right now to write an entry. I don't have time for much of anything at all it seems, but I am going to write this all the same in case I ever reminisce and wonder how my first semester at Boyd Law really felt. I want to have something to go off of if some bright-eyed young 1L-to-be asks me what he or she can expect.
In truth, my first semester is most like a marathon dance competition. I showed up with my shoes shined and my clothes ironed. Just like my classmates, I felt suave and smart because I had been accepted, I was on my way!
The first dance is a slow waltz through late August and early September. Compared to the break-dance competition I had fretted over and feared, there was nothing to it. There was a string quartet playing; my classmates and I laughed and joked as we made our way slowly around the dance floor, sipping cocktails and feeling ultra-cool because now we were doing something (even if it was learning which hunter should keep a dead fox back in 1888).
Somewhere in October, the string quartet drifted and out was replaced by a disc jockey. I didn’t really notice at the time. I was getting a little tired, maybe missing a step here and there, but nothing to worry about. The class danced on.
The DJ slowly picked up the volume. One song moved seamlessly into the next; the tempo picks up slowly throughout the song, and increases from one song to the next.
Now you're dancing to a heavy house beat in mid-November, trying to keep up with the beat, but when you look around everyone else is double-stepping to the beat! This makes you think that you should be four-stepping to get ahead and keep your scholarship, and this in turn makes someone else eight-step to a beat that, under normal circumstances, you wouldn’t even want to dance to! And everyone is doing it. And everyone is tired.
This was before Finals Preparation had even begun.
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