The Jeep was surprisingly warm last night. We drifted in and out of sleep from about 6:30 AM until a San Mateo County Sheriff abruptly and without invitation opened the passenger side door around 9:30. The Sheriff ran our IDs and then took off; we put our shoes and jackets on to head down to the shore.
We spent the night on a cliff overlooking the ocean, and scrambled down the ledge at dawn the next day to where the waves were breaking violently on the shore. We frolicked like Nevada kids are prone to do upon arriving at the Pacific, eventually tiring ourselves out and making our way to Santa Cruz for breakfast.
After eating donuts at Ferrel’s Donuts and remarking our own feral visages, we headed into town for Christmas shopping. This was largely successful, but the day's crowning event was the decision to purchase the hats that will no doubt come to mark the trip for me. Mine is a fedora, Laura's is a flapper hat. From there we made our way through Monterrey, Carmel, and down through the first portion of my favorite place: Big Sur.
Camping in Big Sur was peaceful. We placed perishable items outside of the car to keep cool during the night, and in the morning when we opened the door of "Club Jeep" the bag holding those items was torn to shreds. Strangely, none of the food had been so much as touched. We looked halfheartedly for tracks before getting confused and continuing down the road for coffee.
Throughout the day, as we continued along the Pacific Coast Highway, we walked around and Laura took pictures. I am anxious to see how they all come out, and I have a feeling I will be pleasantly surprised. I’ll be sure to load some of them onto my Chronicle as soon as possible. Our new hats added greatly to the quality of the photographs.
We spent a good deal of time in San Luis Obispo, watching people walk by our coffee shop and doing some window shopping ourselves. I managed to finish my Dad's Christmas present while sitting next to a loud insane woman talking to herself at the coffee shop; I think the quality of the gift may reflect this distraction.
The last stop for the night was just south of Santa Barbara, nothing noteworthy. A standard McDonald’s breakfast followed in the morning, and then we drove straight through to San Diego, taking the 101 through LA to avoid the misery of navigating that city.
We’re staying with my friend and fraternity brother in Del Mar for the evening. DJ has a beautiful house and has been more than gracious since we arrived. It is hard for me to believe that we got here around noon; the day and ensuing evening went so fast! I hope to see Grandma Ringler again tomorrow.